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Going to a new college, an actual watermark, success, new job?


Hey everyone I hope all is going great in you're worlds. On my end since that last entry was written quite a few things have changed for the better it would seem so far at least. On January 22nd I started up at CWI (The College Of Western Idaho) which is a community college which has many locations throughout ADA, one over in Canyon County but their main hub is in Nampa. Next week I'll have been going to here for exactly three weeks which is surreal how quickly the time has raced by like that in a blip. So far while it is different I am loving it here at CWI aside from the fact that they don't seem to have that many tutors for Business Statistics but I did find one whom is a very solid tutor and I am thinking this time with his help and me learning to master excel I am really beat Business Statistics 207 for the third and final time.

Math 160 will be a challenge no doubt but as a whole I feel like I have a really good professor here at CWI for the class so that will no doubt make a huge difference in my success in the class as a whole. My first quiz in class was over review material from my math 143 class and overall with not much assistance aside from a lab tutor looking over my shoulder and coaching me somewhat I managed to get a 96 % my first time on it which feels great because it really means some of the review stuff from before that wasn't sticking has cemented itself in my brain for good. Right now I have two more assignments too do for this week and I will no doubt be able to knock out my quiz today before I leave CWI which will be a good thing so I don't have to worry so much about it.

For these next thirteen weeks I am sticking my nose to the grindstone while hoping I can get some hours at work which right now isn't happening with Goldman's which really sucks because as a whole I love working there but this whole not getting any hours is not helping anything at all. Right now while I was getting money I have literally no money to my name except one dollar in one account and two dollars in my us bank account. So right now I am partially looking for a new job which with school I seriously don't have time to look look as a whole *shrugs* Besides with school I don't really have the serious time to go out and do stuff anyways it is what it is. Supposedly once things start picking up I will be getting more hours back but for now nothing at all

A positive I have an actual logo now for Mind's Eye Photography which is awesome; you can go look at it on my page for the photography business which has kind of settled to the back burner as well while school is in full swing but of course as I am able to I am snapping photographs and especially with the crazy weather we have had lately a lot of snow days I've gotten some really great shots

My love life has more or less been put entirely on the back burner for now and am taking a major break from it all as a whole I am semi frustrated feels like I have all the advice yet can't find someone that really is in it for the long haul. I wouldn't say I hate Valentines Day this year I am happy for those whom have somebody but of course it should be an all the time thing where you show someone you're with how much they truly mean to you not just a one day thing where you go all out

Sunday is the super bowl and as a whole I am not really rooting for one or the other team this year but I am still looking forward to watching it that will be a lot of fun. This year I don't really care which team wins it will just be great to spend time with friends or my brothers depending upon whom I end up watching it and where I end up watching it this year

Well time to get back to work for me. I'll catch ya on the flip side


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