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Enough is enough I am not a door mat and owning my life


Hey everyone I hope all's going great in you're world's. This past weekend the girl that never existed tried to slip back into my life by texting me saying she was pregnant and wanted to be for sure if it was her current guy's or her and i's. Bare in mind she stuck in the middle of it that she hoped it wasn't mine. I swear some people are like cats or dogs you push them off of you and they keep hopping up on you hoping you will pet them or give them attention never mind you are busy trying to get shit done. My cat Snowball is awesome i'll drop the world and give her food, pet her till her fur rubs off her body and jut all around she is a great cat but the one person I will not pay any mind to is the one who never existed for five months.

This is the same chick who not a day after we are done shacks up with her random coworker and does the dirty without a condom and than expects me to somehow feel bad for her? Or expects me to run out there and get myself tested so that she can be for sure. Hell no I am doing no such thing at all. Its funny how when you are with somebody you don't realize how much of a waste of time and space that person is  until finally an old flash from an older camera blinks in you're face and the photographer has the perfect moment (I am speaking the truth here on what happened I am not slandering her). Nevertheless no I truly am done I responded for the very last time ever to a single text from her and will continue to ignore every single word sent my way. For five months i've been on a photography adventure in Alaska that's what occurred and I had an incredible time now I am just getting back into the real world tackling school and owning it.

Somebody will more than likely say why do you write so openly about what is going on? Its simple this is here to clear my head if you read it thanks much appreciated but I am not here to mince words either. I started this years ago to do just that and explain a battle with suicide, struggles with relationships, contemplation's with love, my progress in school, the new job its all here for you wander through and my hope is that something i say will make something click in you're brain and say to yourself damn I am also going through that same thing.

This past first week at school has gone great in between tackling math and statistics which both will be difficult and I am also working a bit on the side at Gordman's so at least I will have a cash flow coming in of course nothing major. My first goal is to take on school and graduate than everything else will come my way. I've also enjoyed the fact that my awesome friend Jessica is going to Boise State its been great catching up with her and further realized how true of a friend she is which is always nice to know you can count on somebody.

Other than the ex drama I am doing great in fact more recently I got a future high school senior photography job which is great I never foresaw that happening and I also have a group of models who will gladly do a mix of photography with me so that is a great feeling. Its turning into a business of sorts which I never saw happening it was simply a passion of mine to begin with. Now just really need to create some business cards and pin down a more specific name for my photography business. We'll see i'll fill you in more on the actual details involved right now just kicking around some ideas.

Right now I am listening to the new Matchbox Twenty album: North and it is a very solid album. I'd say its well worth adding to you're cd collection and pick it up as soon as possible. The new Smash Mouth album comes out here soon I am stoked for that it should be an amazing cd for sure. I'll of course keep you in the loop on new music and give you some ratings

Movie wise i've been sort of out of the loop haven't been to the theatre's in quite a while though I did watch the movie 3 days Later with Russel Crowe last night and Elizabeth Banks and that was a damn good movie. I'd give it a solid 4 out of 5 only because at least in my opinion it was slowish in some places and i'd have liked to see more development in their relationship husband and wife. But that is my take at least my friend said it was incredible. Nevertheless if you haven't seen it yet check it out you will be blown away

I swear one of these days I am going to get more consistent on updating so its not just pulling everything out of my head so these are clearer. For now i'll catch ya on the flip side


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