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Showing posts from December, 2011

Why hello there the past my old friend and hello the future

Readers: Hey everybody. I know another blog? Crazzzyyy!!! Considering I usually break this stuff up more but oh well this is a place to clear my head of all the things rushing through it. Of course in doing so I hope I make you all realize that there is nothing wrong with clearing your own heads and maybe I have inspired a few of you to start your own blog or just let it all out with a close friend so it doesn't drive you batty at the end. In my life right now I am at a point where I am realizing that I am feeling lonely due to the fact that around this time actually Christmas Eve to be exact I had somebody. That somebody was Trisha. Of course in ways I've moved forward and am okay though of course to say she doesn't cross my mind from time to time would be a bold faced lie. Still even now it feels like just yesterday her and I started and than we ended in an epic train crash *smiles* Life was rough during those times but I am better for it and have survived I am here t...

Something Good and Stuff

Readers: Hey everybody I know its been more than a week at least since my last blog. Figured i'd hop on here and let you all know yes I am alive I was not abducted by aliens as a Christmas present nor was I sucked into the evil land of Skyrium ie elder scrolls the new game. Life's been well more relaxing in ways and id say its also looking up in other ways. The last thing I wrote about was the bad date with Bobbie since than we went out to the Botanical Gardens again and went to Garden A Glow which was awesome except we went as friends which actually I am fine with. It was great spending time with her and her daughter. Then we followed that up by us going to the movies and seeing the movie Tin Tin (which she didn't care as much for but apparently had a great time) and really liked her present of a lord of the rings collectors pez set which rocked. For me the best part of the night was seeing the look on her face. I know everyone is dying to know what the status of our...

The Fun Never Ends and a Hope for Something Good

Readers: Hey everybody its been quite a while since I have written one of these. I hope all is well in your world's. As I wrote about in my last blog about the two weeks being hell week. Well it nicely claimed its name with bravado and like a little shit stain with a magnifyine glass he's burning up any ants he can lay his hands on either that or like a woman who discovered the last Twilight movie was cancelled (which of course didn't happen though if it had there would be chaos). Currently listening to Love, Hate Sex Pain by Godsmack while writing this up. Its just been that kind of past week where it feels like shit hit the fan not in that good way either. First there was the date with this cute girl named Bobbie. To be honest I know I like her quite a bit we seem to click and hit it off perfectly and it feels like like with you readers out there that I can share everything and anything and you don't look at me like I have fifteen screw's lose inside my brain....

The world's mad

Readers: Hey everyone I hope all is well with everyone. Its interesting I had a great past week and now I am coming to realize how close to the end of the semester it is now. This next week is the notorious Dead Week. No, its not because the zombie apocoalypse comes to play you'll have to wait a tad bit longer to break out that combat shotgun, the frag gernades, and keep consulting that guide to killing zombies book because god only knows eventually it will come to pass. Now in all seriousness its the crazy week before finals. Da Da Dun!!!!!!!!!!!! These next two weeks are going to be hell. Hitting the books harderer than usual and just killing things up until I am done with things which my last final is not this next week but the week after on Thursday. My other finals are on Tuesday. That's going to be a packed Tuesday and only wish I could be done sooner rather than later. Its tough though sticking to it considering I know christmas break is so close. Christmas lights ...