Normalcy that is what life has become as of late. So far my classes are going good but than again I have only been going to school for less than a week considering I started back on Monday and today is only now Thursday. Feels like just any other semester except I am single and truly content with my life right now like I have never been prior to this point. Hoping to grab this one last class that I am still on the waiting list for but short of that its all good and not in that its all good shits hitting the fan but i am going to have a positive attitude because somehow that will stop the shit from hitting the fan and maybe at least limit the splatter effect. Tomorrow its off to the Western Idaho Fair to go see the band Cheap Trick play live. Yes, I know like myself many of you or many of you actually may know they recorded more than a few hits but I was only keen on one real song that one being "I need you" and of course it follows up the opening with, "I need you to ...