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Looking forward to escaping with my love


Hey everyone I just noticed I haven't written a single entry in over an month. On my end, I've been busy working and also trying to find an second job; right now I am not getting a whole lot of hours due to Obama care and the requirement that if an company has a certain number of employees with a certain number of hours they have to provide them with health care. I know there are a lot of people out there who really and truly believe the company should have to pay you health care, but I am realistic its fucking expensive. Right now as it stands going into this next year I am without insurance because even on the your health Idaho market it would cost me way too much to get anything even remotely decent *shrugs* According to a friend since I may a low income, I can actually get a waver for it so I don't get penalized for not having health care so I am going to pursue that route as soon as possible

School right now is sort of in a gigantic limbo; debating slightly changing my degree but we'll see how that works. As many of you know in order to complete my dual bachelors in business administration and human resources I am required to complete business calculus (ie. calculus minus trig), which at this point I can't do it! I've even tried it via Khan Academy to no avail, but its not because it isn't great its just that the understanding when I get to a certain lvl in it isn't there at all. Hell I've worked with tutors as well and I've taken the same damned class half a doz times. At this point, I am going to consult with an advisor at Boise State and see about adjusting my degree to something else but I am not exactly sure what though. More to come on that later, considering I am setting up an appointment here for this week *crosses fingers* Please keep me in your prayers

Not all is dark and gloomy mind you, I recently finished reading the latest and final Odd Thomas book which my fiance got for me; autographed by mister dean koontz. I am currently in the midst of devouring the new John Grisham book which I'd highly recommend. I am glad that American Sniper is the highest grossing military movie ever, I went and saw it with a good friend of mine David Blake whom served in the military. I've been playing a ton of the new Call of Duty game and its sick along with Thief and far cry 4. Plus Ruth and I have been playing diablo 3 together which is a solid game! I love gaming with her its so much fun

On the relationship, things with Ruth and I are stronger than ever. Coming up is our first ever valentines day together and we have plans to escape from the valley to my folks cabin in mcall for the weekend which will be very nice. Leaving on the 13th and coming back the 16th. I got to thinking about Valentines Day and its pretty overrated unless of course you're single, but if you're in an relationship you should already be telling the person you love how much they mean to you. A good solid relationship isn't built on fancy jewelery and a box of heart shaped chocolate and some card from hallmark. Alas I am happy as hell and so glad to be in a loving and supportive relationship with such an amazing woman. To those of you not in an relationship, I'd say take a chance and maybe take a chance and ask that guy or girl you like out on a date. It doesn't have to be fancy, i'd say focus on something fun, if you're single and feeling blah more than likely they might be as well on the flip side

Its crazy for me to think that it'll be a year in April! Where has all the time gone? Literally people say there is supposed to be a honey moon period than its over but I have yet to experience any of that though. Just maybe I am lucky *shrugs* All I know is I am just as crazy about her as the day I first met her and I know none of that will really change anytime soon. I just hope that someone out there finds someone like her, someone who really loves you for everything that you're. That person does exist. On top of that, we will also ironically celebrate our first real holiday together as a couple and that was easter

Beyond that, we're looking forward to seeing whose coming to Mayhem Fest that we're for sure going to! Also the Boise Music Fest and I am going on a road trip to Nevada with my friend Jared to go see the new Queensryche in concert in March. All in all should be a hell of a lot of fun. For now going to cut this off, I'll catch ya on the flip side


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