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Hello 2015


Ready to take on the world
Told you she looks sexy as hell
Hey everyone I hope you survived 2014 as painfully awful like a shattered heart, incredible like a fine piece of cheese cake covered with ice cream or lastly so painfully dull that you achieved master Popsicle stick builder at this years convention. As for me, there are very few times in my life that I can truly say I have been stuck mute, this was when I saw my fiance walk in the door; her friend helped her do her hair and she was wearing makeup and a sleek hip hugging black dress and a pair of knock em dead sexy black leather boots. My jaw probably literally hit the fucking floor. There you have me, I took time to pick out a red dress shirt and a tie and even put on my suit coat (which I hadn't worn in a good while), and topped that off with slacks and a pair of dress shoes...I paced in front of a mirror like a twitter patted boy determined to impress his date; hindsight it was idiotic the way she looked at me as well like I am the sexiest man alive. Thankfully my dad grabbed a few photos of us before we dashed off to celebrate New Years together, as you can spy with your eye.

Last year's potato drop was an experience, the first ever, but also packed as hell with all kinds of other people who wanted to see the same thing; this year add in a real band, more vendors and other stuff I had no doubt there would be a ton more so we avoided it like the plague. It felt strange not hanging out with my friends at all this new years but nevertheless I still had an truly incredible new years with my love Ruth Clark. Dinner at Goodwood bbq was perfect and then followed by staying in a suite at the meridian best western. Nothing quite like drinking rum and coke while relaxing in a whirl pool tub and watching the ball drop on tv. We both slept in semi late and then it was off to shari's for some good brunch and then it was off to Hastings where we relaxed and read together until she had to go to work. All in all, as I said above it really was a perfect New Years and I can't thank my love enough for being  understanding and helping to make it great.

Next for us is going to the cabin in Mcall for several days in February; one of those days being Valentines day which should be a lot fun and very romantic with the ice festival going on at the same time. After that in April it will be exactly one year for us being together *smiles* Still can't believe it, how the time has flown by but I wouldn't change it all for a second. There is no doubt that I am with the person that I am meant to spend the rest of my life with

Switching subjects, in the photography realm I recently got a new camera, its a nice Nikon d7000 and its an incredible camera. Plus I am assisting my fellow mentor and photographer friend David Blake with a photo shoot and then in March he is hiring me to do video for a beauty pageant so that should be a hell of a lot of fun. With my new camera I have no doubt I will be able to land a lot more work vs my other camera which is nice but isn't an "slr", doesn't have that umph that so many people attribute to a talented photographer you pay more for. In the following I am hoping to obtain a new flash for my camera, some lenses and learn how to work in a studio setting and lastly become a master of lightroom

I'd highly recommend the new Wu Tang clan album it is incredible *smiles* My friend Randy got me the new Ninja Turtles movie which if you still haven't seen it, its a damned good movie, very solid! A true throwback, I don't get the hatred for it at all. Well that about wraps things up for now, I'll catch ya on the flip side 


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