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Starting Fresh


Hey everyone I hope all is going great in you're world. I can't believe its a whole new year gone is 2012 and today i've been mostly recuperating from last nights ringing in the New Year with best friends John, Travis, Ashley and my friend Rachel and lastly my friend Ross who showed up after midnight and gave me a ride home. Overall I had a ton of fun last night but its official it doesn't matter the cost of champagne it is officially the nastiest thing ever created my mankind.

I am currently sitting here listening to the latest Dropkick Murphey's album "Signed And Sealed In Blood" and it is epic as always and also decided it was time to write a new blog considering I haven't written a new one of these since December. Also looking partially at my brand new kindle fire hd that my mom and dad got me which was an incredible surprise and I love reading books on it! Plus you can access facebook and do a lot of other stuff on there as well but of course I will still have my books and secondly I will still have my lap top because I need it to take notes and what not.

A lot of people talk about starting a new years resolution of losing weight and i will not call this a resolution persay but more so a definite must the first of those is getting back into regularly exercising and eating right that doesn't mean I am going to stop drinking energy drinks all together just less of them and less frequently nor soda either just less of it. For me I notice how I feel when I am working out or eating at least right I feel a hundred percent better and as a whole have a lot more energy. I added Fitness Pal app which is entirely free and that will help me keep track of my weight loss goal and keep me entirely honest like this does when I want to say well that wasn't what happened i can look at this and be like you are fucking lying to yourself bub

They say forgiving somebody can take a huge weight off you're shoulders so I am doing that as well starting today. I am going to figure out her phone number and call it on another friend's phone or my mom or dads phone even if its just to say, "I forgive you entirely. No I don't want to be your friend or anything but I am done carrying the ball and chain of you around my ankle and wish you the best in your life. Fairwell". For my sake of sanity and really being happy I need to truly do this.

Sara and I are great friends still and I am happy with that. Who knows one of these days could maybe we be more? Sure, I think so but if nothing else were best friends I consider myself lucky as hell to have grown to know her so well and she has done nothing but helped lift me up in a huge way like nobody else can. There are new people you meet who make a huge difference in your life and she is defently one of those people who has done that

Since my best friend Jessica has been going back to Boise State we were friends before but even more so since we have been able to spend time together i have grown to consider her a true friend in so many ways. It sounds like things are going great with her and this guy and I really hope its real because after all the stuff she has been through she truly does deserve to be happy as hell; 100 % happy like nothing else in the world.

Lately i've just been enjoying my break but shortly i'll be returning back to Boise State for another semester and may this one be stronger than the one before and the one before that; hell I say that but I need this for me though. With that I am off but hope all is going great in you're worlds


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