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Showing posts from July, 2012

"How do you know when you love somebody?"

Readers, Hey everyone I hope alls going great in you're worlds. In mind life is a constant battle to stay a float and feel like I have a full grasp on everything in front of me but one thing I know without a single doubt is that I have found the one that I love more than I have ever loved anyone else in my life. If someone asks you how do you know you truly love somebody? (ten reasons you can give them for clearly why. Hell I am not an expert but I'd bet a solid paycheck on this though): 1) You may flirt with someone else that is perfectly natural but you don't go any further than that ever because that special somebody is on your mind  2) When you see two other people together you feel lonesome because they are not beside you their hand in yours and your lips pressed against theirs  3) The idea of going clothes shopping usually would be painful but now you don't mind because you are doing it with them (or something else that person likes to do) \ 4) When away fr...

Don't know why

Readers: Hey everyone I hope all's going great in you're world's. Today I got quite a bit of math done but nothing significant though as I probably would have liked considering I have a test coming up this Thursday in math. Not sure what it is but I have been in a really off mood. Wish my bank account would refill itself and I had more hours under my belt if it was that way on days like these i'd randomly just take off for Idaho falls to see my girl who always knows just how to lift me up out of a funk. I think I am just frustrated is all with the fact of if I do not knock out the assignment assigned yesterday that gets counted against me big time ultimately in the grades. Points in this class are few and far between so I have to get them where I can grab them else they slip between my fingertips and they are gone just like that! Just don't know I do know this I need to stick it out and kick ass and take fucking names can't let this class defeat me Just so...

Jump Right In

Readers,  Hey everyone I hope all's going great in you're world's. I am sitting here listening to the latest Zac Brown Band album specifically, "Jump Right In" its a really great tune in many ways they are reminiscent of the likes of J immy Buffett musically speaking and the sounds of the lead singers voice as well.  Right now I am just waking up more after staying up until 2:30 this morning working on a math assignment which I knocked out for the most part (not going to be on the test assignment) but she made it adamantly clear that she is going to collect it prior to the test on Thursday so I knocked it out so I won't have to even look at it again.  Glad to say I got most of it knocked out prior to crashing last night though got stuck on a few of them and that could simply be because my brain while helped along by coffee it was also hindered by it as well.  Yesterday after an amazing fourth of July weekend it was back to my night clas...

Happy 4th Of July

Readers,  Hey everyone I hope all's going great in you're world's. Let me first start by saying Happy 4th of July to everyone. Of course as many of you know I am incredibly patriotic and incredibly grateful for the men and women who serve, have served and also died to preserve my freedoms at home. I think the opening photograph while blown up quite a bit is fitting for today. I have been told it holds a certain kind of power to it and really almost illuminates all the marines with a halo effect. This wasn't an intended photographic effect I did nothing to mess with it at all it just came out that way. So enjoy it. I am excited in a few hours i'll be spending the week with my incredible girlfriend Jolene whom despite the fact that yes sometimes we disagree at the end of the day I love her very much as I have spoken about in this and I am so grateful to have her in my life. She really is gorgeous and lights up a room when she walks into it and no doubt is truly ...