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Making solid friends seems to be something I am good at


For one thing the Comics exhibit at the Art Museum was pretty awesome. It was a nice break from the hustle and bustle of school and getting to hang out with my new found friend Tiana. You know there are some people that you can kind of be yourself around. You laugh. You shoot the proverbial shit so to speak. You just feel comfortable being around and have a good time. And there are those people whom really in some way touch your life that is how it is for me with Tiana.

Its truly refreshing when you meet somebody like that that you can be yourself and don't have too worry about anything; like they are whispering behind your back things like what a freak. No its just nice like today literally we hung out I ate some potato salad she made which was actually quite yummy and yes i am very picky about it usually either love it or hate it there is no two sides to the coin with that but it rocked!!! Overall we have hung out several times and she is both cute and tons of fun to hang out with.

Mmm other stuff in my life as of late I haven't really had much time for a whole lot of fun though I did catch up on my shows ie the latest Breaking Bad which as I wrote last time is insane this one was just fucking nuts. Should be interesting to see what happens with that one. I also watched the first episode of the second season of Boardwalk empire absolutely incredible and lastly the latest episode of the latest season of Dexter (which was leaked to the world).

Tonight went and listened to an interesting lecture in eagle at the library about the history of tombstones and how they have evolved over the years and the different symbolism. It was a damn good speech and ultimately made a great contact in the community he is also a paramedic by training and in fact goes around the country and to different states to train other people that is a wicked connection to have for sure.

In all honesty short of that oh and I am back to playing Neopets once again; I know nerd to the fifth degree right? lol Well I hope all is well in your world's in great news got an 83 % on my survey interview which isn't amazing but it isn't horrible either all I can do from here is really rock it. Well I am going to cut it off here have a good one and i will catch ya on the flip side


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