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Onward, struggles of school, thankful, my birthday and other stuff


Hey everyone I hope all is going great in your world's. On my end, I am sitting here drinking my coffee having a hard time getting my brain going and buckling down and working on finance or math before I take off to work here at 10 am and work till 2pm this afternoon (which is an incredibly short and odd shift). I am looking forward to the holiday madness as it picks up because it means a lot more hours but on the same token it also means more assholes climb out of the woodwork as well. I say bring on the insanity! Now you're probably wondering what is my title referencing this time?

As you'll recall in my previous blog I finally came to an painful but solid conclusion that keeping that girl in my life overall wouldn't lead to anything good. For a time I gave her a second opportunity even after she realized where I was coming from mentally having liked her and having realized I couldn't just be friends. She added em and we chatted and it came around front and center that she was involved with this other guy. Would I have liked to have stayed friends? Yes, but at the same time I realized that apart of me liked her far too much to be able to actually do that. So in the end for my own well being and sanity I had to cut her out of my life. I am happy to say that after doing so I've been much more mentally grounded than previously with regard to working on math and also working on finance. With that being said my last finance test chewed me up and spit me out. I am grateful for being able to drop it though the final will be revisiting it so I will have to revisit that bad test and get that stuff drilled inside my head *smiles* I am determined to kick the shit out of my next exam and the one following after that

19 days from now I will be turning 29 years old which I can't quite believe. I will be celebrating with my family on thanksgiving and doing something with my friends to celebrate my birthday the week before considering it falls directly on Thanksgiving this year. Speaking of thanksgiving here are some things I am thankful for:

1) I am thankful for the loving mom and dad they're truly incredibly supportive and have been over the years even though god only knows at times I probably drive them both crazy 

2) I am thankful that I have two awesome brothers whom I get along with so well and we don't hate one another. I am very lucky to have such great inspirations for myself 

3) I am thankful too be an uncle too two incredibly adorable and amazing people my niece Taylor and my nephew Cameron. Love them both very much and its amazing to see how they've grown and Taylor has become her own person 

4) I am thankful for my extended family those incredibly close friends whom if the shit hits the fan I can lean on or on the other hand we can laugh and have fun together 

5) I am thankful for those individuals whom have let me take there photographs and ultimately loved them. At times even now I feel like a little kid with a camera. So thank you all of you! 

6) I am thankful that I can go to school and get an education. Yes god only knows I struggle with stuff like stats and finance and math which I need to take again. But I am determined to complete them hell or high water involved 

Mm its hard to put into words everything that I am exactly grateful for these days but there are at least six solid ones god only knows there are many more but I can't quite put them into words right now. Its official my dad leaves this next week to go to the Mayo Clinic for liver cancer surgery. I am currently going back to rocking my beard and will be doing so very soon considering it grows out very fast. Right now the whole thing is more fucking real! I just pray that he doesn't die from going under because god only knows that shit can happen. Please please please keep my dad in your prayers hell I know I asked you too before but please do it more

I've had the opportunity to really listen to the new emiemn album in its entirety several times through and its awesome. Its a very solid return for Marshal Mathers though i'd of course argue I loved all of his musical exploits *shrugs* I just think he is above and beyond incredibly talented. Oh and the new Lady Gaga album is also really solid as well well worth getting. In the land of movies I finally had the opportunity to go see the movie Enders Game and it was incredible! I'd highly recommend you go and see it and it is a move that is one of those its worth seeing in the theater type ones

With all that being said I am going to go for now. I'll catch ya on the flip side


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