Readers, Hey everyone I hope all is going great in you're world. I just realized how long it has been since I have written one of these. No, I wasn't abducted by aliens just been very busy with work and school. At noon today I have my second math quiz here is to hoping I own it that would rock. Also here in a few hours I am going to be the proud owner of Light Room Four which originally is about eight hundred outside and seventy five at campus. I am getting it for free from my friend whose husband has an extra copy. A random little video of its features: A random little overview of its features needless to say it is an incredibly sick photography editing program and at least in my opinion as a photographer and minor editor it makes editing photographs a thousand times easier. I am also working on losing more of myself into. The photography side of things is gradually taking off but in ways I realize I also have a lot to learn in the realm of photography. I am...