Readers: Hey everybody I know its been more than a week since I have last written a new one of these. I hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving and ate all kinds of good grub. Yesterday I officially turned 27 years old. One day older and right around this time I have been kinda blah but I think that is also because right around this time I had somebody and what not *smiles taking a deep breathe* It will work itself out for now I am golden. Can't believe it have this week of school. The next week is the legendary dead week and lastly finals week. Schools really washing to a close and I think as a whole i'd maybe feel better if I knew for sure I was going to pass all my classes here. Overall I got a good feeling most importantly with the evils of math which I am sure I finally will tackle pre calculus and move onto Calculus which apparently will no doubt be even more of a bitch. Overall I had an awesome thanksgiving break ie got a week off from school and I read a ton of...