Hey everyone I hope all is well with you. Its about 7:58 and on Tuesday here I have my second exam in biology. Here is to hoping all the solid studying is really going to pay off in a big way for this test. So far I am thoroughly enjoying my biology class though it goes incredibly fast and toss that in there with the biology lab as well to boot. Of course both are a repeat so its not quite as thrilling persay but i feel like i am understanding everything alot more which is very nice. Got all my stuff back and genuinely for the first time in a long time I literally feel happy; a kind of happiness I don't think i have known existed for a long time. Though in the relationship world and interest world I am in absolutely no rush to throw myself back onto the said horse. Clearly after those several months of being so low that at times I considered kissing the world good bye (don't worry i have dealt with my issues of suicide) and realize that there is nothing worth killing myself ...