Readers, Hey everyone I hope all is going good on your end. On my end, listening to some light jazz and just got to Boise State and its time to tackle my finance homework (which with work and other things didn't get completely knocked out). I was speaking with Ruth the other day and she reminded me of how much my study process this semester has changed; I would get up consistently at 4 or 5 am and tackle my material because god only knows I worked like a mad man and usually the witching hour was the only real time to do so. This semester it is a bit more difficult to do that, I work late most nights and Ruth works even later most of the time. Starting this week, I am going to set my alarm for 4 am and get up no matter what and just start a process of buckling down on this logic material (this being after my first exam kicked my ass). Its now the first of March and I didn't write a word after the 9th, suffice to say valentines day weekend was a major success and we had a ton...