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Showing posts from April, 2015

Loving my new job

Readers,  Hey everyone I hope you've been good. On my end, its been an adventure adjusting to the whole new schedule (day off Tuesday and Sunday) and I am loving things at Rc Willy. You know that "new guy feeling" that often occurs with a new job, that didn't occur with this I instantly felt like I belonged. In between the new system and everything else, I know I don't know everything but it'll come. I still can't quite believe, tomorrow is the third week on the job and that I got it. No doubt a lot of people applied but they choose me to fill the office. Before long I will be getting benefits and be able to set aside some solid money towards a life together with the woman I love  On the 14th of May it''ll be exactly a year and a month together with Ruth. Today I felt like shit and she took care of me a little bit before she rushed off to work. When I am sick, I get upset over the little things and she is right there to say, "It'll be ...

A New Adventure, new dead sara album, last day, special edition casablanca, fast and furious 7 rocked

Readers, Hey everyone I hope all is going great with you. On my end, I am giving the new Dead Sara album a listen to while writing this, and so far its pretty damn good. As a whole i'd highly recommend Pleasure To Meet You. Yesterday, I worked a whole four hours and walked out  the door of Gordmans after giving my boss a hug and her promising to finish completing a letter of recommendation for me. Plus throughout the day people I had worked with over different periods of the whole three years that I worked there paused to say good bye and sincerely said they'd miss me. As a sort of send off to things, I went out to dinner at Chili's with my love and to celebrate a sort of sad close to things we had great food and drinks Yesterday evening I opened up the special edition of the movie Casablanca which is so fucking awesome. For all of those who follow me at all you know I am a die hard fan of the movie and Humphrey Bogart and I also call my beautiful fiance Bacall. The who...

The Countdown has begun, end of one job to another, and a lot of other stuff

Readers, Hey everyone I hope all is going great in your worlds. On my end, I am closing one door and opening another. For those of you who are not just tuning in, I have been working at Gordmans in meridian Idaho since before they opened (in 2012). Those have seriously been some of the best years of my life at a job ever, up until now I have never really felt as appreciated or like I matter as I did there. Stopping short of actually naming my boss because this is probably not an right place to do so, she has seriously been the best boss I have ever had! I know for sure they're hiring and I'd highly recommend you work there. For me its bitter sweet, I didn't realize honestly how many people's lives I impact on a daily basis from the regular customers to the people I work with (many of whom have become best friends). The biggest thing I think about changing jobs is going to be leaving those people and yes of course I will visit them all and say hello and many of those I...

Damn its been an eternity but I am back

Readers, Hey everyone I hope you've been great. On my end, listening to the newest Hollywood Undead album which is solid and determined to kick out a new blog. Over the past several months I would start a new blog then get distracted and it would just sit here. So here it goes, in a couple of hours I am going for an job interview *crosses fingers* Hoping to get this because along with my job at gordmans I could really use a second one. Until I know more after the interview I will simply say I am excited and have a good feeling about this interview today Reflecting back on the past several months life with Ruth Clark has shown no sign of slowing down or stopping, those butterflies haven't stopped either. Never have I ever felt so loved or so supported by a woman. It was an incredible valentines day together and an nice escape to Mcall (we're shooting for a cheaper honeymoon and a nice escape to Mcall). We're hoping to shoot for getting married in a year here and I am...