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Showing posts from February, 2014

"Someday I Won't Wake Up Fighting Demons" -SC

Readers, Hey everyone, I hope all is going great in your worlds. I can't believe its literally been since December 5th since I have penned a new entry here. In many ways, its because I wish on some level that I could write about some huge life event. Like the fact that I finally found love, finally found that one person whom gets me through and through and wants to spend there natural life with me...but alas I am still single as can be. Like the fact that, I received some great new promotion at Gordmans where I have been now working easily for more then a year now...but alas nothing new at work. Like, I graduated from college with a BA in Human Resources and a BA in Business Administration...but alas I am repeating Finance this semester and taking it along with supply chain management. Recently I prescribed a mantra which is easier said than done to actually accept, "I don't need a woman to make me", its hard sometimes these days because I have so many failed wand...